Times of Refreshing

"Therefore, repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the LORD." // Acts 3:19

I love words. I just think they have so much power - to teach, encourage, build up, tear down, inspire, comfort, challenge. And that's why I love names; I mean, names are words, right? Every name has a meaning, just like every word has a definition. My name, Asha, means "hope." And because of that, I have always loved that word. I feel like it's my calling in life: to offer hope to those who have none. So whenever I see it on a coffee mug or picture frame or t-shirt or whatever, it stirs a little something inside me.

The summer of 2008, it stirred a big something inside me. That summer, I went to Ridgecrest, NC - a camp in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains - for a week-long retreat with the UF Baptist Collegiate Ministries. We worshipped, we hiked, we played sports, we got out of our comfort zones, and we learned about amazing opportunities to serve the LORD around the world and in our own country. As I was walking around the booths one night collecting information, I saw it: HOPE. Of course I made a beeline for the booth, and after chatting with the folks who worked there for a couple minutes, I was not only in love with the name but with the mission: to bring hope to the homeless and hurting of Louisville, KY through Word and deed. I was all in at that point.

A very close family member of mine has struggled with alcohol and drug abuse for nearly two decades, and as a result, has been homeless since the early 2000's. I saw the HOPE Program as a way to serve those in a similar situation and to learn more about the mindset so I could better serve my loved one.

I talked to the director of the program and even thought about putting school on hold for a year to start serving immediately, but after a lot of prayer, I knew I needed to wait. So wait I did, which only made my excitement grow. I took the following school year to prepare my heart as best I could and counted the months until I could apply to serve in the summer of 2009. I was accepted into the HOPE Program, and off I went to Jefferson Street Baptist Center in Louisville, KY for the three months between my junior and senior years of college.

Twelve college-aged co-eds living in one of the poorest areas of town (the seven girls shared a house, and the five boys lived upstairs in the shelter), running the day-to-day operations of a homeless shelter, serving at church, and loving our community. An adventure, to say the least. That summer changed my whole life, and I am forever grateful for the lessons I learned.

Which brings me back to my love of words. That summer, I feel like God gave me a word.


Kind of an intimidating word for a 20-year-old girl. It sounds so serious and harsh. And while it certainly is serious, God also showed me that it's one of the sweetest words there is - because it is what allows us to be in God's Presence. Goosebumps.

God's Presence isn't some mystical place that only the holiest of holies can get to, while the rest of us are squirming around down here. No, it's where He wants all of us - His children - to be. But the only way to get there is to repent.

Over and over again that summer, God taught me about repentance. It was talked about in sermons. I came across verses I'd never seen before that pointed to it. He gave me countless opportunities to practice it.

That was the word He wanted me to get down in my spirit that summer and never let go of. And I believe it's because repentance is the foundation of our faith. We can't get started on this wonderful journey without it. We have to repent of our sins, and admit that we need God. We have to recognize that we are His, and the only way for the creation to be reconciled with the Creator is to lay down our pride, our selfishness, our lust, our greed, our addictions, our hate.

Acts 3:19 says, "Therefore, repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the LORD."

Times of refreshing - how wonderful does that sound? It's just a prayer away.


HOPE is now called Love Thy Neighborhood, and although the name is different, the incredible mission and heart of the program remain the same. If you'd like more information about serving, please click here.


We Shall Be Saved


The Beginning