Simple Sundays

Words are a big deal to me - which is probably why it takes me f o r e v e r to write anything. I just think there is something really special about being able to express a thought or emotion in writing. But my love for crafting the perfect paragraph, so often keeps me from actually doing it. Unfortunately, in many areas of my life, I have the awful mindset of: 'if I'm not going to be perfect the first time, why even try?'

Thankfully, I'm slowly learning that the best things in life are often the most difficult things and the things that require the most work. Take marriage for example, living alone is way easier than being married. You get to do whatever you want, whenever you want; keep the house however you want; don't have to clean up after anyone; don't have to consider anyone else's feelings. It takes work to love someone unconditionally, but a life shared with the one you love and trust more than anyone in the whole wide world is more-than-worth the work, right? Or for pup-lovers like myself - life without a pet would be way easier. No finding sitters when you go out of town, no pricey food and vet bills, no messy floors and hairy couches. But the work is worth those snuggles and kisses. (Goodness, I could cry just thinking about how sweet and good my Maxwell is. Yes, I have issues.) And I'm sure my precious, sleep-deprived, spit-up-on momma and daddy friends would say that being a parent is the hardest thing they will ever do, but also the most rewarding thing they will ever do.

Hard work happens one choice at a time. So, today, I'm choosing to write, no matter how imperfect my paragraphs may be. Because words matter to me. Because writing this blog matters to me. Because telling you that you matter, matters to me.

That's what this little corner of the interweb is all about - getting to know who we are in Christ and what that means for our time on this earth. It is an absolute JOY to live in communion with our Creator, but unfortunately, Christianity can come across more as a list of do-nots rather than the door to an abundant life.

I want to encourage others in their pursuit of Jesus, but my obsession with perfection gets in the way. And if I want to write, well then, I need to start writing.

So, from now on, I will set aside time on Sundays to get my fingers on the keyboard.

"Simple Sundays"

The idea is to write about a verse or passage that I love or one that's been on my mind lately and just kind of let it simmer. The posts will probably be a little shorter (with the exception of today - oops!), but hopefully, they will be encouraging as you get ready to start a new week. And this will give me a goal, a plan to stick with, so I can't just choose to shut the computer if I don't feel like the post is "perfect."

Let's choose to be patient in the process and believe that hard work happens one post, workout, semester, dinner date, dirty diaper, ____________ at a time.


Today, I am thankful for this Truth...

"Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." {I Peter 5:6-7}

Let's be humble enough to admit we can't do everything on our own and walk in the truth that we weren't made to! Joy comes in knowing that you are so very loved by the God who is bigger than we could ever, ever, ever comprehend. The God who placed every star in the galaxy also knows every hair on your head. He is big enough to handle every care and concern weighing you down, and He wants to.


{Simple Sundays} "Do not fret..."


"In the morning, when I rise..."