"Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything, give thanks." // I Thessalonians 5:16-18a

Well, hey there, friends! Clearly I've been slacking on my New Year's resolution to write more... unless messy journal entries and endless to-do lists count? But Facebook reminded me of a blog post I wrote two years ago today, all about not letting fear hold me back, soooo yeah. (Insert eye-roll emoji here.) 

I certainly don't have anything profound to offer, and I don't have any big updates to share; all I've got is a simple phrase:

It won't always be like this, and it won't always be like that.

Our this-es and that-s are all different. Those words might bring you comfort in an uncomfortable place or help you remember to savor a sweet place.

My current this is infertility. (Can I be honest and admit that even writing that word makes my stomach hurt?) Maybe your this is divorce, or infidelity, or miscarriage, or a diagnosis, or family issues, or whatever else makes you feel like life couldn't be any worse.

It won't always be like this...

Circumstances will change, hearts will heal, stories will be redeemed. And it's up to us whether we choose to rejoice always, pray always, and give thanks always, even in the midst of a messy this. We get to choose whether we lean in to the pain, learn from it, and grow - or whether we let this crush us. Know that life as you know it right now isn't the way it will be forever.

Or maybe your this is a growing belly, or a newborn babe, or a pretty ring on a very important finger, or a promotion, or something else that just fills your heart in a way that makes you feel like life could never be any better.

It won't always be like this...

Before you write me off as a bitter Betty trying to rain on your parade, hear me out. We know that life isn't perfect, so goodness, let's savor the moments that get as close to perfect as we can get on this earth! If your this is wonderful, hallelujah and AMEN! Don't let fear steal your joy! Soak up every second, knowing that God gives us good gifts and wants us to enjoy them! Hold these times close to your heart, so when that creeps up, you can shrug it off and know that another this is around the corner.

That's the thing... we're not really in control of our this-es or that-s and how long they'll last. So rejoicing always, praying always, and giving thanks always are really our only options.

It won't always be like this, and it won't always be like that.

If your this is uncomfortable... Let's rejoice in the mess, pray through the pain, and give thanks for the infinite number of ways God is molding us, teaching us, growing us, and protecting us. And while it will be a sweet, sweet day when our this-es turn to that-s, don't let that be your everything. Keep rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks always.

If your this is wonderful... Rejoice, pray, and give thanks with all you've got! Savor every second of this sweet time, not in fear that your this will soon be a that; but with a heart that knows even if a that comes, it won't last forever.

It won't always be uncomfortable, and it won't always be wonderful - it won't always be wonderful, and it won't always be uncomfortable.

It won't always be like this, and it won't always be like that.

Let's be women who rejoice always; pray without ceasing; and in everything, give thanks... no matter if we are waiting for a that or in the midst of a wonderful this.


God's specialty


THIS is Jesus.