What can I do?


Many of us are grieving alongside our Black sisters and brothers. As we grieve, may we also find hope. Hope in the undoing of our world and in the undoing of our own hearts. It’s only when we are undone that we are moved to do something. 

I am grieving the injustice and the evil, but grateful for this undoing; and I promise to no longer let fear and privilege and ignorance keep me from doing my part in moving our world toward redemption and justice. 

I started this list of the things I CAN do, to come back to when I feel stuck or fearful or complacent or tired. I would love to hear the ways your heart is being undone and the things you are doing, so I can keep adding to the list.

  • I can get to know Jesus more and more. To know him is to know love. To know him is to know that every person is so fully and completely loved and worthy of love. 

  • I can point to Hope. In all of this, there is so much hope. Hope because the world is coming undone. Our unfair walls, hard hearts, and evil systems are being exposed. Light is shining in the darkest corners. Yes, our world is coming undone, but this should bring us hope. Brokenness can’t be covered up or patched. It’s got to be completely taken apart to be completely restored and redeemed. Our world is coming undone in order to move toward the world that God intended - a world where every nation, tribe, people, and tongue rejoice together and see each individual as an irreplaceable reflection of one of God’s infinite, beautiful, and perfect characteristics. 

  • I can examine my own heart and work to recognize and remove prejudice and biases. 

  • I can not only give people of color a seat at my table, but more importantly, room to speak and influence my life, my decisions, and my actions.

  • I can educate myself about history and current events. 

  • I can take the burden off of my Black sisters and brothers and stop expecting them to hold my hand and guide me. 

  • I can learn from and partner with organizations who are fighting on the front lines of this battle for justice.

  • I can experience art/books/films made by and about people of color. 

  • I can get uncomfortable. 

  • I can stop racism when I see it happening - no matter how big or “small,” blatant or subtle. 

  • I can love on and encourage my friends of color. 

  • I can give my time and my resources to people and organizations working for peace and justice. 

  • I can talk about race and inequality and injustice with my family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. 

  • I can pour into the next generation. I can love them and teach them to value others, celebrate differences, and respect life. 

  • I can pray for unity, for love, for hearts to change (mine included), and hearts to heal.

  • I can support Black-owned businesses and businesses owned and operated by all people of color.

  • I can make sure my children grow up seeing and knowing people of all races, ethnicities, and cultures.

    • in our neighborhood

    • in our schools

    • in our church

I can do something. We can all do something. Let’s do something together.


This is God's Idea


Creative and Constant