My Heart

"A leader must be a man whose life is above reproach. He must be faithful to his wife. He must exercise self-control, live wisely, and have a good reputation. He must enjoy having guests in his home, and he must be able to teach. He must not be a heavy drinker or be violent. He must be gentle, not quarrelsome, and not love money. He must manage his own family well." // 1 Timothy 3:2-4

At this point in my blogging adventure, I think my mom, my mother-in-law, and my hubby are the only faithful followers I've got; so I'm going to take some time to brag on the man in that list: my wonderful husband, Jake.

Today is our three-year anniversary, and I've got to say, I woke up this morning more in love than ever before. We have certainly had our share of highs and lows along the way, and I know there will be lots more to come. But I feel like this three-year mark is a pretty big milestone. We are no longer considered "newlyweds," and we are really settling in to life together.

We've done a lot in our three years together, and although we don't have children yet, I pray we will someday. I want this post to be a tribute to Jake, yes; but I also want it to be an inspiration to our future children. Son, I pray you will become a man like your father. Daughter, I pray you will marry a man like your father.

If I had to describe Jake in one word, it would be steadfast.

{devoted, loyal, firm, unwavering}

He is steadfast - in his faith, his love, his relationships, his work.

Through doubts, fears, trials, sickness, death, change; his faith never falters. His trust is in God, and he is always quick to remind me that God has a plan and always wants the best for our lives. He goes to God when he's happy and when he's sad. He is a true leader and an example for me and everyone around him.

My man plays many roles - husband, friend, son, brother, coworker, boss - and he excels in all of them. He makes others feel comfortable and adapts to new situations easily. He takes his relationships seriously and is fiercely loyal.

He is a hard-worker and rarely complains. His motivation comes not from a desire to make more money but from a desire to provide for his family.

His steadfast love has changed my life.

Even when we were dating and I was a silly college girl who constantly questioned everything, Jake never had a doubt that I was going to be his wife. He put up with me when I picked stupid fights. He pursued me when I tried to abandon him. He stuck by me when I was mean. He loved me relentlessly and showed me what true love is. Because of his unconditional love, my eyes were opened to what was in front of me the whole time. {Ok, I'm not a crazy person who believes in fortune cookies or anything, but I do believe God has a sense of humor, and I absolutely believe He can use anything to get our attention... Senior year of college, I was having a typical freak-out and feeling discontent with life. Jake and I decided to get some Chinese food, and I am not lying when I tell you what our fortunes said. Jake: God smiles on you in particular. Asha: Stop looking; happiness is right next to you. Ummm... alrighty, then.}

Now that we are married, his love continues to amaze me. He loves me in a way that makes me feel like I am the only woman in the world, and I truly believe he feels that way. Every ounce of self-confidence and self-esteem I have comes from him. If I'm having a frumpy, shlumpy day, all I have to do is see him, and I feel like the prettiest girl on earth.

He values my thoughts, ideas, and opinions, and is always the biggest supporter of my dreams.

He loves to surprise me in thoughtful ways.

He fights for our marriage by resisting temptation, making sure we spend time together, and making time to talk and laugh and cuddle. He always reminds me that we are a team.

Although we have known each other for nearly eight years now, I am still impressed and inspired by him every day. Our lives have changed a lot since we first laid eyes on each other, but I love that we are changing together and growing closer every day.

Yes, he leaves dirty underwear on the floor. Yes, he leaves a mess on the bathroom counter. Yes, he puts his nasty feet on my clean coffee table. Yes, he watches too much ESPN. Yes, he annoys me at times {and I know I annoy him!}. We're human, and I know we are going to let each other down. We are nowhere near perfect and never will be. We say mean things to each other. We fight about stupid things. But in the end, there is no one I'd rather have by my side for all the days of my life.

So, what's my best piece of advice after three years of marriage? Find someone you like, not just love. Yes, love is super-duper important. But it is so important to like  your man - to like his jokes, to like spending time with him, to like chatting with him about any and everything. Basically, you should think your husband is the coolest guy in the world.

Future kids: I think your dad is the coolest guy ever, and I have a feeling you will too. Son, I pray you will become a man like your father. Daughter, I pray you will marry a man like your father.

Cheers to three years and a lifetime more, boo!


Palms Up


Sweet Salvation {part II}