Fear is the Worst; Friends are the Best

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear..." // I John 4:18a 

A quick glance at the date on my last post lets you know it's been a while since I've been here.

I could blame my absence on a busy wedding season, lots of editing to do, the holidays, traveling, etc. But I'll be completely honest, it's fear that's kept me away.

Fear that God wouldn't meet me. Fear that I would be completely lost when I sat down to write. Fear that my words would be silly or stupid or not mean anything to anyone. Fear that I would be rejected, ridiculed.

But I'm really over letting fear tell me what to do. It's time to kick fear out of the driver's seat and let love lead.

Let love lead.

Last night, after a little break, our gals Bible study started back up again. We lost a few members and gained a few more; some of the girls knew each other, and some didn't. Fear could have kept the night at the surface - hovering just above the deep places where we all really wanted and needed to go. But how refreshing it was that our hearts were in a position to let love lead. We opened up about where we are right now in our journey of faith. We cried; we laughed; we prayed. God used imperfect people to send His perfect love. And "perfect love casts out fear." 

So I come to you, encouraged, filled up, and ready to write. Am I still afraid, yes. Am I allowing that fear to control me, no. Why, because of perfect love that met me right where was. Perfect love through imperfect women just like me. We are not meant to go through this life alone. Yes, quiet time alone with God is crucial. But living in a permanent state of isolation is crippling.

I promise it will not be five months before we chat again. I come alive when I'm studying God's Word with others, and that's what I pray this place will be - basically, a big ol' Bible study (a virtual living room with lots of comfy couches and pillows and snacks, of course!). Let's get our Bibles out, highlighters open, and palms up.

Fear says... God won't meet us. We won't be able to understand or apply His Word. Nothing will really change.

But LOVE says... If we take the first step, God will run to meet us. He will open our hearts and minds and ears and eyes to His love and wonder. His truth will transform us and fill us with perfect love, peace, joy, hope, and faith.

Let's let love lead.


Disappointment and Grace


Dear Brittany Maynard