{Simple [Mon]days} Taste and See

"O taste and see that the LORD is good; how blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him!" // Psalm 34:8

After a busy weekend (complete with a roadtrip from FL to TX and back again) celebrating Thanksgiving and my sweet cousin's incredible wedding (and marriage to the love of her life!), this girl was flat exhausted yesterday. Hence the late post. And even though Thanksgiving has come and gone as quickly as the turkey and sides were gobbled up, I thought it was only fitting to let the holiday be my inspiration. (I'm all about a good theme. And parentheses, apparently!)

Psalm 34 is one of the most encouraging passages in all the Bible. The words are beautiful, but the fact that it was written by King David in the midst of intense stress (as in, he was literally running from folks who wanted to murder him) makes it that much more powerful.

His words "taste and see that the LORD is good" really help us understand how to experience God. No, we can't physically "taste" God - although great food may seem heavenly at times - but the idea of having to ingest the Lord is pretty cool.

Tasting is different than smelling or just looking at. Tasting requires action. Get a fork, open your mouth, insert food, chew it, savor it, swallow it, and allow it to nourish your body.

Tasting God is similar. Grab your Bible, open your heart and mind, read the Word and pray, spend time thinking about it, leaning in and listening, allow the Truth to transform your thoughts, words, and actions.

David is confident that when you taste, you will see that the Lord is good. 

The second half of the verse just really fits the season, in my opinion.

"...how blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him!"

#blessed is something we see a lot of these days, especially around the holidays. Sometimes with sincerity, and often sarcastically.

It's true that folks who post pictures of babies and puppies and happy families and full dinner tables are #blessed, but I'm here to tell you they're not the only ones. 

David delivers the truth in five words: "who takes refuge in Him!" (I also love that he used an exclamation point to really get the message across!)

You are blessed if you take refuge in the LORD!

The Hebrew word for refuge used in the text is "chasah" - to seek shelter, seek refuge, run to for protection. Also to put trust in, have hope in.

So whether you're strolling through life and picking flowers along the way or running for your life like a madman or anything in between, if you put your trust and hope in Jesus, you're #blessed.

Throughout this Psalm, David praises the Lord for His protection, redemption, and deliverance. His situation certainly does not scream "blessed,but he knows he is because His hope is in the One who never fails, who never messes up, who is always in control, and who always takes care of the ones who choose to take refuge in Him. That kind of hope can only come from knowing the Truth, tasting it, digesting it, and allowing it to nourish.

This holiday season, let's remember that being #blessed has nothing to do with circumstance and everything to do with choice - choosing to trust the One who gives life and sustains it.


{Simple Sundays} Rest and Rejoice


{Simple Sundays} Name Calling