{Simple Sundays} Rest and Rejoice

"...and God saw that it was good. There was evening, and there was morning; a third day." // Genesis 1:12b-13 

When God created the world, He did it one step at a time. And between each step, He took time to rest and rejoice.

After He created the plants and trees, He still had lots to do - create the sun and moon, animals, humans. You know, pretty big stuff. But He didn't allow the unchecked boxes on His to-do list take away from what He had accomplished.

Of course, God could have created the universe and everything in it in one day, one hour, one instant. But I believe He did what He did for our sake. From the very beginning, He wanted to put a pattern in place for us to follow.

Create. Rejoice. Rest.

Unlike God, we are limited by time and strength. Rest is crucial, and so is gratitude. Without the two, we get frustrated and overwhelmed and really ineffective.

Between the parties and presents and potlucks and pictures, I've found myself feeling overwhelmed and struggling to keep up.

Why is it that the season in which we're supposed to slow down and take time to marvel at the wonder around us typically turns out to be the hustliest and bustliest?

I think it's high time we take a look at God's way of getting things done... Create. Rejoice. Rest.

You may still have a million unfinished items on your to-do list, but know that it's still ok to rejoice and rest. Maybe you only found one present and still have 27 to buy, but go ahead and jump for joy that you found that one! Five loads of laundry to do before your family comes to town, and you only managed to throw one in the washer? Be thankful you got that far!

Gratitude is all about perspective. And when we take the time to rejoice over every step, we will find rest.

Stopping, stepping back, and seeing that what we've done is good allow our minds and hearts time to refocus and determine what matters most.

Let's rejoice over each and every step knowing that we were created to have an attitude of gratitude.

Let's be ok with leaving things unfinished and allow our heads, hands, and hearts the rest they so desperately need.





{Simple [Mon]days} Taste and See