Beth's Secret

"If you can be trusted with a little, you can also be trusted with a lot." // Luke 16:10

My love for Beth Moore is no secret. Just scroll to the bottom of this post if you need more proof. At the beginning of this month, a group of gals from my Bible study and I flew half-way across the  country to see her (and maybe to visit some other sweet Texans, too).

The first night of Beth's conference, before she even walked onto the stage, I was moved to tears at just the sight of her worshipping in the front row while we were singing along with her praise team. Now, I realize that may sound a little creepy and way too "fan-girl"ish, but if you can hang with me for a minute, I'll tell you why those tears weren't as silly as they may seem.


As I watched her praising and praying and preparing to speak to more than 7,000 women, the responsibility on her shoulders hit me hard.

One of my former pastors used to say, it's so easy to see someone's glory and forget about their story.

Beth isn't where she is today because God magically picked her and gave her everything she needed to be a successful Bible teacher, author, and speaker. Nope. She is where she is because of passion, persistence, and patience. And a whole lot of obedience.

Aside from her Southern grace and grit, her big hair, and her overall enthusiasm; the reason I most love Beth is because it is so obvious that she has been with Jesus. The confidence with which she speaks comes from spending time in His presence and His Word, studying the scriptures with joy, taking time to listen for His revelation and direction. She speaks with a humble boldness that says, "This is what Jesus told me to say, so I'm going to say it!"

Some friends and I were out to dinner one night, and one of the girls posed the question: If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be? With all honesty, I answered: Beth Moore. It would be a dream come true to pick her brain and get just a glimpse of her zeal.

But if I dig a little deeper, a troubling truth comes out... part of me wants to know her "secret," the get-holy-quick scheme she must have discovered and has managed to keep to herself all this time. I want the glory without the story, the victory without the battle.

But Beth's life points to the truth: there is no secret, and she isn't the only one capable of living a life of confidence in Christ.

It's simple: spend time with the Creator. Look for Him in everything and everyone. Wake up thanking Him, and go to bed praising Him. Come into His presence with JOY, not out of obligation.

I realize we don't all have the same personality or passions. And I honestly don't know if the world could handle more than one Beth Moore. But the world desperately needs more people who pursue God like her. The incredible truth is that faithfulness and passion manifest so differently in each of us.

The tears I cried as I watched her worship before she walked onto the stage in Waco were not tears of idolatry; they were tears of thankfulness, awe, and longing. I'm thankful for her obedience and example; I'm in awe of her passion and dedication; and I long for a life marked by those things.

How wonderful that we have a God who doesn't reserve Himself for a select few! How wonderful that no matter where we are or what we have been given, we can be faithful and know that our faithfulness will always bear fruit. And how wonderful that we have a creative Father who has given us all different fruit to bear.

Let's be women who don't compare our lives with others or wish for different circumstances. Let's be faithful with whatever family, finances, or sphere of influence we have in this moment. Let's remember that God isn't hiding from us; He is waiting and watching with joy, ready to run forward at our slightest movement toward Him. Let's remember that there really is no secret.


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