Whatever you've got.

"Come to Me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." // Matthew 11:28

Since sharing our pregnancy journey last month, I feel so much freedom. Thank you for receiving our hearts with such tenderness and love, and thank you for giving us the freedom to continue sharing.

The past two and a half years have looked a lot like this...

Excitement > Anticipation > Confusion > Frustration > Anger > Bitterness > Shame > Pride > Denial > Sadness > Hope > Grief > Hopelessness > More Shame > More Pride > Humility > Growth > Hope > Joy

There were so many times I didn't think I could cry another tear or pray another prayer. And you know what Jesus told me? 'Just bring me whatever you've got.'

All you have is doubt, bring it. All you have is anger, bring it. All you have is pain, bring it. All you have is hate, bring it. All you have are tears and screams, bring them.

If I have learned anything, it's this: God is ENOUGH. He is big enough and strong enough and wise enough and loving enough and holy enough to carry and cover our shame and sin. He is big enough to cover whatever you've got. 

What we do with our anger and hurt and frustration and pain is up to us. We can keep it and try to fix it ourselves. We can cast it out into the world around us in the form of bitterness and hardened hearts. Or we can bring it to Jesus - with tear-stained faces and bloodshot eyes and weary hearts and shaking hands - bring it to the One who wants whatever we've got.

He just wants us to choose Him.

"Cast ALL your cares on Him, for He cares for you." {1 Peter 5:7}

Our struggles and sufferings and seasons are all different. But the truth is, no matter what you have in your heart, we are called to bring it to Jesus. He is the One who can take whatever we have, bless it, and use it for good.

Whatever you've got.

If you've got a content heart full of joy and praise, He can multiply it and use that goodness to bless the world around you!

If you've got a weary heart full of worry, He will give you rest.

If you've got an angry heart full of hate and sadness, He will heal the hurt.

Let's choose to recognize His bigness and goodness and holiness, and let's choose to be people who bring whatever we have to the only One who can actually do something with it.



THIS is Jesus.


Be where you are.